I coudn’t resist. I had to make this photo. I love new lizardmen army look with all those big models around. Monster mash!
Category Archives: Lizardmen
Lizardmen Legendary Saurus Lord Kroq-Gar On Carnosaur Grymloq
And the Lord and his mount. I like this model very much. The way it turned out is just awesome. I’ll be using same color scheme for my Wyverns as I did on this Carnosaur. I’m really really happy with this one.
Lizardmen Legendary Saurus Lord Kroq-Gar
And the rider. This time it is original Lizardmen rider. The Legendary Saurus Lord Kroq-Gar. I like his mechanical claw. It’s not a Power Fist but still looks nice.
Lizardmen Carnosaur Grymloq
A Carnosaur without his rider. I’ve made the same trick here like I did with Savage Orc on Carnosaur. Stripe of metal goes on both sides along his torso (painted brown to be just leather stripes). Magnets go on the bottom of rider’s saddle/throne. It works perfectly and is easy to do. I’ll post rider […]
Lizardmen Bastiladon with Ark of Sotek
Another Bastiladon. This time with Ark of Sotek.
Lizardmen Stegadon with Skink Battle Standard Bearer
Look at me. I’m on the Stegadon.
Lizardmen Skink Battle Standard Bearer
And here’s that Skink BSB. It has Mayan Calendar as standard. I really like this idea. Mounted on magnetized base, it can be put on top of that Stegadon. I’ll post those photos tomorrow.
Lizardmen Ancient Stegadon
Hello back again. I had some problems with Internet connection. I’ve forgot to pay the bill and they cut me off. But I’m back! This time with Ancient Stegadon. This one have an option for a Skink Battle Standard Bearer. I’ll post that Skink BSB tonight.
Lizardmen Bases
OK! I’m back to posting stuff. I finally have my computer done, reinstalled system and all apps. There’are more good news. I’m going to start my YouTube Channel soon. I’ll be focusing on my current work updates, tutorials and games. But today I’d like to show you bases I did for those Terradon Riders. There […]
Lizardmen Tetto’Eko
I love those giant feathers! Looks awesome on those new Lizardmen! This is the last model pictures that were saved before my computer crushed. The good news is that I should have it back tonight. So hope to post some more minis tomorrow.
Lizardmen Terradon Riders
Whole unit together. Hope you like those bases. Soon in store.
Lizardmen Terradon Rider
And the last one. This Terradon Rider has my favorite base. I should be able to sell those bases soon along with ruins I’ve used for my Lizardmen Monsters.
Lizardmen Terradon Rider
Another Lizardmen Terradon Rider on scustom base. I’ll be selling those in my shop soon.
Lizardmen Terradon Rider
Sorry for not posting recently, but my computer has broken. I should have it back on Wednesday. I’ve menaged to save some pictures of Lizardmen. Here’s first picture of Terradon Rider on custom base. Should be soon in my store.
Lizardmen Monsters
Just a photo of two Lizarmen dinosaurs together. Click photo to enlarge.
Lizardmen Troglodon
This is my second troglodon. I really like this mini.
Lizardmen Bastiladon
This week would be dedicated to Lizardmen. Sorry for not posting yesterday, but It was crazy day for me and I couldn’t find time to take pictures. Anyway here’s Bastiladon with Solar Engine. I really like that laser crystals. Pew Pew Pew.
This is mount for Savage Orc Warboss. I’ve added few Savage Orc shields to make it look more orky.
Lizardmen Saurus Oldblood
Lizardmen Saurus Oldblood with Great Weapon Conversion.
Ripperdactyl Frog
And here’s the best model from all Lizardmen line! It goes with Ripperdactyl unit as a token.
Lizardmen Troglodon
Another new beast for Lizardmen. This time it’s a option from Carnosaur. This is also a support warbeast. It has a nice shooting attack for hunting bigger stuff. Your Slaan can also cast spells through the skink on top of Troglodon, but most interesting it this roar, that can make your Sauruses and Kroxigors fight […]
Lizardmen Bastiladon
This is awesome mini. I like all new Lizardmen line products, but this one is really cool. Of course the idea of dinosaur shooting laser beams is typical to GW (they did mobile laser canon for the Emire!), but that beast just looks cool. Too bad it has only S4. But it’s more a support […]
Lizardmen Skink Priest
Skink Priest I’ve made form parts that left over those Lizardmen sets. I really like this pose. I’m also happy with the base. It has that new Slaan symbol on it.
Lizardmen Ripperdactyl Riders
This is new Ripperdactyl unit for Liazrdmen army. I really love the idea and look of this unit. It give some variety to the army. It’s a close combat unit and you have to be smart using them sice they are frenzied, but you get this nice Frog token (I’ll post it tomorrow) and you […]