Here’s some Ulthwe Eldar Jetbikes with painted faces showing some various emotions. There’s a leader with banner and 2 heavies in this unit. They have custom made bases to match the whole army.
Category Archives: 40K Ulthwe Eldar Army
Eldar Ulthwe Army Part 2
Bigger picture on click.
Eldar Ulthwe Striking Scorpions
Eldar Striking Scorpions. Exarch has magnetised weapon options. Since whole army is painted in Ulthwe colors which are mainly black, I’ve painted those in darker color tone than original ones. Hope you like it.
Eldar Ulthwe Spiritseer
Painted in Ulthwe color scheme.
Eldar Ulthwe Army
And the whole warband here. Minis are mounted on that elf bases I’ve showed you ealier. Soon in store. Also this warband will be extended. Click photo to enlarge.
Eldrad Ulthran
Boss for this warband. It’s less violet than the others, but it has more blue stuff on it. This makes him stand out more.
Eldar Ulthwe Rangers
Rangers for the same army as Dark Reapers. I’vestarted with this test model of one ranger and painted his cape violet. Ten I realised that this violet suits ulthwe very well so all minis for this army would have some violet stuff. I’m also really happy with bone weapons.
Eldar Ulthwe Dark Reapers
Dark Reapers I’ve painted recently.