I had once this idea to make a Lone Wolf with 2 Wolf Claws as a Wolfen. Here’s the result of conversion. The main body was taken from Dark Eldar Clawed Fiend. The Head and shoulderpad is from Thunderwolf Cavalry. Tail was sculpted with GS.
Category Archives: Space Wolves
Scratch Built Space Wolves Dreadnought
This was fun project. I made a Space Wolves Dreadnought with some leftover bits.
Space Wolves Wolf Lords
All three Wolf Lords together. When I came up with these ideas at first time it was just a joke attaching these oversized weapons with some blue tack. These conversions seemed a bit too wild to exist in Grimdark 40k. But then I thought that actually it might just work! I’m so happy I decided […]
Space Wolves Wolf Lord with Frost Sword and Storm Bolter
The last one of three Wolf Lords. This one is probably my favorite. Just love the look of that huge badass Frost Sword. He also have Storm Bolter attached to his other fist.
Space Wolves Wolf Lord with Wolf Claws
Second Wolf Lord conversion. This one is meant to have Wolf Claws.
Space Wolves Wolf Lord with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield
This is the first of 3 upcoming Space Wolves Wolf Lords I made just for fun. Although I put them in Centurion Armour with oversized weapons you could easily use it on battlefields as Wolf Lords in Terminator Armour with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield.
Space Wolves Primaris Battle Leader Haldor Icepelt
Tooth and Claw Space Wolves Primaris Battle Leader Haldor Icepelt.
Space Wolves Primaris Reivers
Tooth and Claw Space Wolves Primaris Reivers
Space Wolves Primaris Intercessors
Tooth and Claw Space Wolves Primaris Intercessors
Space Wolves Primaris Agressors
Tooth and Claw Space Wolves Primaris Agressors.
Space Wolves Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought
Tooth and Claw Space Wolves Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought. You can open the sarcophagus cover.
Space Wolves Primaris Intercessors
Space Wolves Primaris Intercessors.
Space Wolves Iron Priest On Thunderwolf
And here’s a guy who would repair all those Dreadnoughts. Jumping from one Wreck to another on his Thunderwolf. Click photos to enlarge.
Space Wolves Dreadnoughts
Click photos to enlarge.
Space Wolves Murderfang
Click photos to enlarge.
Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought
Click photos to enlarge.
Space Wolves Drop Pods
Some transport for upcoming Dreadnoughts. Click photos to enlarge.
Space Wolves Landrider
And back to 40k. This time with some Space Wolves. This is my first Landrider ever, but I really enjoyed painting this model I’ve added some wolfy items like grenade launcher on top and shields on doors from Space Wolves Dreadnought box. It really adds to the model. Click photos to enlarge.
Space Wolves Battle Brothers
Two Space Wolves that were used for Stormwolf project.
Space Wolves Wolf Guards
This time with Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields. Click photo to enlarge.
Space Wolves Wolf Guards
Space Wolves Wolf Guards in Terminator Armour with pair of Wolf Claws. Click photo to enlarge.
Space Wolves Grey Hunters
This is Grey Hunters booster pack for the Space Wolves army I did recently. Click photo to enlarge.
Space Wolves Rune Priest
I really like this sculpt. This is finecast Space Wolves Standard Bearer. But I needed his standard so I made him a Rune Priest instead. It really suits Rune Priest because of all those runes on armor. He needed a frost weapon so I’ve used Thunderwolf Lord’s one.