Really love those minis. I particularly love all old Orcs and Goblins models from 4th and 5th edition of Warhammer. I like the size of this unit. It’s huge! Of course in normal games you would probably use smaller multiple units. Anyway great models to paint. I still have my models to paint so expect […]
Category Archives: WFB Orc & Goblins Feral Army
Greenskin army with units like Savage Orc Warboss on Carnosaur and Goblin Sabertusk Riders.
Savage Orc Army
Second part of Savage Orc Army. First part was horde of Savage Orcs, horde of Black Orcs, some Savage Boar Boyz, 2 Arachnarok Spiders, and some warmachines. Click photo to enlarge.
This is mount for Savage Orc Warboss. I’ve added few Savage Orc shields to make it look more orky.
Savage Orc Warboss on Carnosaur
Savage Orc Warboss on Carnosaur complete. Lethal combination.
Savage Orc Warboss Carnosaur Rider
This is Carnosaur Rider. Mini is magnetized to represent his death in action. It’s also a good way to ease transporting miniature to the battles. Tattoos and weapon are same as foot version. Also the totem snake is same colors as the one on foot one’s base.
Savage Orc Warboss
This is foot version of Savage Orc Warboss. This mini would be used when his Carnosaur dies. Check out Warboss on Carnosaur too.
More Savage Orcs
More Waaagh!
Savage Orcs
Waaagh! Savage Orcs.
Another Savage Goblins Sabertusk Riders
Another unit of Sabertusk Riders.
Savage Goblins Sabertusk Riders
Converted to match theme of Savage Orc Army.
Grimgor Ironhide
Black Orc Warboss. Fun to paint. I love that squig face on his belly. Soon some more Orcs for fantasy. Szef Czarnych Orków. Fajnie się go malowało. Zajebista jest ta mordka squiga na jego brzuchu. Wkrótce wiecej Orków do fantasy.
Another Goblin Rock Lobber
This one has that little funny snotling on the top. He’s awesome!
Goblin Rock Lobber
Goblin catapult.
Another Goblin Spear Chukka
Goblin war machines are not very durable or accurate. So you need alot of them to get some scores. It’s easy coz they are cheap enought to feld lots of them on battlefield. Soon some more Goblin war machines.
Goblin Spear Chukka
Goblin balista.
Savage Orc Big Boss
I just love this model! I already have some ideas for converting it into Chaos Warrior Lord etc. Also it would be my lord for my Savage Orc Army that I’m planing to start soon.
Savage Orc Half Horde
This is expansion for existing 20 Savage Orcs. That’s why there no command and the magnetic movement tray is extended.
Black Orc Krimson Killer Big Boss
Black Orc Big Boss painted in Krimson Killers color scheme.
Black Orc Krimson Killers
This was my test unit for color scheme for Krimson Killes. I really like how they came out. The red and grey really works well with bone details.
Black Orcs Krimson Killes Horde
Ready unit of 40 Black Orcs mounted on magnetic movement tray.
Savage Orc Boyz Horde
Unit with filler.
Savage Orc Boyz Horde
This is Savage Orc Boyz Horde painted for Lustria Online Painting Challenge. This is not yet over. Boyz will have more warpaint. I had no time to finish them up before contest close date, but soon I’ll do it and than I’ll take some close up photos.