This is conversion of Boomhowler & Co. I’ve used plastic Trollkin Champion Models. Then just cut of one weapon and glued scratch built gun from some plasticard I had. It’s simple but they look more bulkier than original ones and that was the point. I’m very happy with them. Click photos to enlarge.
Category Archives: Mercenaries
Tactical Arcanist Corps
Rhulic Tactical Arcanist Corps painted in Cygnar Colors as they would be used in Cygnar army I’ve painted in 2016. Click photos to enlarge.
Horgenhold Forge Guard
Another Mercenaries for Cygnar. Click photos to enlarge.
Lady Aiyana and Master Holt
My favorite Mercenary models. Lady Aiyana is one of the bests sculpts ever! Models will be used in Cygnar army so they were painted to match army colors. Click photos to enlarge.
The Beauty and The Beast
I couldn’t resist taking this picture. I really love how both minis stand out together. Really happy with start of this year. Hope 2016 will be very productive for me. And I wish you the same! Click photo to enlarge.
Queen of Shadows as Anastasia di Bray
Another Freebooter chick painted in 2015. Great sculpt. I love the little goblin assassin hiding in a dress. This model is supposed to represent as mercenary Anastasia di Bray in Cygnar army.
Clara Cadora as Taryn di la Rovissi
Freebooter babe Clara Cadora to be used as mercenary Taryn di la Rovissi in Cygnar army. Painted in 2015.
Gobleon as Reinholdt the Gobber Speculator
Click photos to enlarge.
Elizabeth, Female Pirate Captain as Gun Mage Captain
Click photos to enlarge.
Hasslefree Almira as Madelyn Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan
Click photos to enlarge.
Kassata Lewynn as First Mate Hawk
This is Kassata Lewynn, a pirate girl from Reaper Miniatures. It will be used as mercenary First Mate Hawk model for Cygnar army. I love how she turned out.
Eiryss Angel of Retribution
Another great model form Privateer Press.