Khador Black Dragons with Unit Attachment and Iron Fang Kovnik and Kapitan Sofia Skirova.
Category Archives: Khador
Lord Kozlov, Viscount of Scarsgrad
Lord Kozlov, Viscount of Scarsgrad – Khador Warcaster
Beerded Bear Battalion Company of Iron
This was my next idea for my Company of Iron and probably my favorite one. I’ve called them the Beerded Bear Battalion for obvious reasons. All men have beards, and Khador have this Russian theme so bears and alcohol is pretty much first thing that comes to my mind ;). This company has a hand […]
Khador Battlebox Army
Finished Khador army from Warmachine two player battle box. Menoth part is still in progress. Click photo to enlarge.
Kommander Sorscha
I enjoyed painting this mini. I really like how the face came out. This was a nice warm up before painting Kaya’s the Wildborn face. Icycles are made of clear plastic from some GW sprues. I’ve just cut them into icycle shape and glued to the base. Done. I’m happy with the result.