And whole army together. I really love this army and I’m sure I’m going to paint more of those Blood Angels in the future. I’ve been painting them for years but the outcome gives me a lot of satisfaction. All units are based on magnetic movement trays that will be available in the store soon. […]
Category Archives: 40K Blood Angels Army
Blood Angels Commander
And to finish this army I’ve made this commander. Well your army need at least one HQ choice so I picked that Captain from Assault on Black Reach. I’ve gave him Power Fist. He’s ready to fight.
Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard
When I saw this unit for the first time I just thought this is the best unit in whole 40k universe. Angels with actual wings attached to their jumppacks and yet with two handed swords. This is one of my favourites units do far. They look absolutely awsome. I love the details on their armor. […]
Blood Angels Death Company
Then the new Blood Angels Codes along with new minis came out. I grab some new minis to complete the starter army. I really love the details on those guys. They look just awesome and are Blood Angels must have. Not because of rules but because of theme and how they look.
Blood Angels Tactical Squad
I’ve painted some Blood Angels recently, so I was sure those colors would look great. Then I’ve decided to paint whole army in Blood Angels scheme.
Blood Angels Terminator Squad
Those are just Terminators from previous edition starter set but mounted on Scibor beses makes them look awesome.
Blood Angels Dreadnought
OK, So recently I’ve finished this Blood Angels army. I’ve started this project long time ago. It took me a while ,but was worth the effect.