Nurgle Herald

Nurgle Herald

Here’s Nurgle Plaguebearer from ’90s. It’s a bit more massive than plastic minis so he can be the Herald of Nurgle. I really like old GW models. This one was sculpted by Ally Morrison and was really fun to paint. I’ve painted him a golden tooth :).

Disc of Tzeentch

Disc of Tzeentch

I’ve made this disc of Tzeentch using GW small flying base and some chaos star symbol. All details are free painted on this one. It took me a while but I really like how it looks. I need to practice more of those freehand painting.

Screamers of Tzeentch

Screamers of Tzeentch

Unit of 9 Screamers of Tzeentch. I really like painting those minis. With this plastic set each screamer is different. I like that. Click photo to enlarge.

Beasts of Nurgle Closeups

OK so if you were wandering how to make awesome Beasts of Nugle here’s a recipe. Just take Rot Fly body with no head, legs, wings nor rider add those smaller heads from Kharibdyss. You cut the body in half and glue it backwards. Take a look at those. Aren’t they sweet? I’ll post more […]



I always enjoy painting Nurgle Daemons. This time I was asked to paint a model matching my Deamon Nurgle Army color scheme.