Whole unit of Tzeentch Warhounds. I love this unit. Very strong colors and yet awesome beak conversions by my friend Pszemek give a lot of character to the unit.
Category Archives: WFB Warriors of Tzeentch Army
Chaos Warhounds of Tzeentch Closeups
Some closer shots on those Warhounds. I really like how the skin came out.
Chaos Warhound of Tzeentch Test Model
Test model for a unit of converted Warhounds of Chaos. Soon there will be more. I love the beaks on those models. Really nice conversion made by my friend Pszemek.
Chaos Chariots of Tzeentch
The second part of Tzeentch Army. I’m working on the third and the last part. Soon more info and more photos.
Chaos Knights of Tzeentch
This is the first part of Chaos Army of Tzeentch. The army is dedicated only to the one chaos god. I’ll post more info when Army would be completed. I’ll also put some closeups soon. And I’ll post the second part soon. Click photo to enlarge.
Chaos Knight of Tzeentch
Test model for upcoming Chaos Warriors Tzeentch Army.