Just another Khymera. I like this sculpt just a liitle less than previous one, but both are really awesome. I love how they look. I’ll put more minis tonight. I need to speed up posting to be up to date with current projects.
Yearly Archives: 2013
Dark Eldar Khymera as Darkreach Phase Cat
I really like this Khymera model. I’m using it as Phase Cat for my Darkreach Warband for Warlord. Way better than reaper’s dedicated model.
Vampire Counts Vlad Von Carstein
This mini was painted to match my Isabella Von Carstein color scheme.
Incarnate Elemental of Fire Scene
Here’s bigger photo of model mounted on base. Click to enlarge. Just to remind you. I’ll be posting photos of new photos everyday at 12:06 and 18:00 CET/CEST.
Incarnate Elemental Of Fire on Display Base
Some photos of complete scene. FW did great job on this mini. Really nice sculpt. I’ll put bigger photo later today. Some info on new posts frequency. I’ve decided new fixed time for publishing posts. I’ll be posting on 12:06 and 18:00 CET/CEST everyday. Hope you will like this new format.
Display Base for Incarnate Elemental Of Fire
So here’s a display base I did for that Forge World Incarnate Elemental of Fire. I couldn’t think of any theme for scene for that mini for a while. But I knew I would keep it atmospheric, with limited color palette. I’ve figured it out during Halloween season. I’ve painted some pumpkins and just realized […]
Incarnate Elemental Of Fire
Huge mini. When I saw this mini for the first time I knew I wanted to keep it dark skinned with bright fire. Also I did a scenic base for it. I’ll upload it in few hours. I’ll make bigger photo so you could actually see some details because this mini is really enormous. Then […]
Chaos Khorne Lord on Juggernaut
Lord for the unit of Skullcrushers. This is conversion from plastic skullcrusher using plastic Chaos Lord head and Space Woles Terminator Wolf Cloak. The base is elevated, but it still has some pieces of chaos star to match Skullcrusher bases. I’ve decided to go with hot metal axe to make him even more pop out […]
Skullcrushers of Khorne
I’ve painted a whole unit of 6 Skullcrushers of Khorne. The interesting thing here is that every Skullcrusher has a piece of chaos star on his base. When ranked up those pieces form a whole chaos star. I’ll be posing Chaos Lord on Juggernout that goes with them tonight. Also I’ll be posting at least […]
Skullcrushers of Nurgle
I really love the idea of Nurgle Monstrous Cavalry. At first I was thinking of making Gorebeast rides. But then, we figured out that converting Skullcrushers from Nurgle Drones would be awesome. So I spent some time turning Nurgle Drones into huge beetles. I’ve used Chaos Knight with Nurgle heads from Forsaken box. This unit […]
Skullcrusher of Nurgle
Third Skullcrusher of Nurgle. For more info on this uit please check whole unit pic here.
Skullcrusher of Nurgle
Second Skullcrusher of Nurgle. For more info on this unit please check whole unit pic here.
Skullcrusher of Nurgle
First Skullcrusher of Nurgle. For more info on this uit please check whole unit pic here.
Chaos Warriors of Nurgle
Some more Chaos Warriors of Nurgle for that Nurgle army. Tomorrow I’ll upload pictures of finished Skullcrushers of Nurgle.
Gorebeast Chariot of Nurgle
I’m back with posting photos. Let’s start with some Nurgle minis. Second Gorebeast Chariot.
The Empire Army of Talabheim
I’ve took this picture long time ago when I was selling this army. But I’ve never put this on my blog so let’s have some blast from the past time and take a look on those mini on grass battlefield. Photo is clickable. Also for more closer pictures of units check Painted Armies on sidebar.
Sculpted Treekins
Joe asked me to some models sculpted by me. And I was searching my sculptures through blog and I’ve noticed that some of those old pics doesn’t work. I’ll be re-uploading them. The thing is that most of them were made in times when I had poor camera so don’t expect anything amazing. But it’s […]
Treekins Concept Art
This is refreshed concep on some minis I’ve sculpted some time ago. You can check sculpted minis here.
Space Wolves Bjorn The Fell-Handed
My Bjorn vs Battle of the Fang cover art. Please check some photos with mini closeups and mini on plinth. Click photos to enlarge.
Space Wolves Bjorn The Fell-Handed on Plinth
Bjorn on plinth. Please check some photos with mini closeups and comparison to the cover art.
Space Wolves Bjorn The Fell-Handed
I’ve painted Bjorn the Fell-Handed to look like the one on the Battle of the Fang cover. Please check some photos with mini on plinth and comparison to the cover art.
Space Wolves Arjac Rockfist, The Anvil of Fenris
Ah, some Space Wolves again. I love this army. What I really like about my Arjacs conversions is this huge hammer and massive shield. This is how Arjac should look like.
Savage Orc Army
Second part of Savage Orc Army. First part was horde of Savage Orcs, horde of Black Orcs, some Savage Boar Boyz, 2 Arachnarok Spiders, and some warmachines. Click photo to enlarge.
This is mount for Savage Orc Warboss. I’ve added few Savage Orc shields to make it look more orky.