Savage Orc Warboss on Carnosaur complete. Lethal combination.
Yearly Archives: 2013
Savage Orc Warboss Carnosaur Rider
This is Carnosaur Rider. Mini is magnetized to represent his death in action. It’s also a good way to ease transporting miniature to the battles. Tattoos and weapon are same as foot version. Also the totem snake is same colors as the one on foot one’s base.
Savage Orc Warboss
This is foot version of Savage Orc Warboss. This mini would be used when his Carnosaur dies. Check out Warboss on Carnosaur too.
More Savage Orcs
More Waaagh!
Savage Orcs
Waaagh! Savage Orcs.
Another Savage Goblins Sabertusk Riders
Another unit of Sabertusk Riders.
Savage Goblins Sabertusk Riders
Converted to match theme of Savage Orc Army.
Eldar Warlock with Witch Blade
Eldar Warlock painted in Ulthwe colors.
Lizardmen Saurus Oldblood
Lizardmen Saurus Oldblood with Great Weapon Conversion.
Ripperdactyl Frog
And here’s the best model from all Lizardmen line! It goes with Ripperdactyl unit as a token.
Lizardmen Troglodon
Another new beast for Lizardmen. This time it’s a option from Carnosaur. This is also a support warbeast. It has a nice shooting attack for hunting bigger stuff. Your Slaan can also cast spells through the skink on top of Troglodon, but most interesting it this roar, that can make your Sauruses and Kroxigors fight […]
Lizardmen Bastiladon
This is awesome mini. I like all new Lizardmen line products, but this one is really cool. Of course the idea of dinosaur shooting laser beams is typical to GW (they did mobile laser canon for the Emire!), but that beast just looks cool. Too bad it has only S4. But it’s more a support […]
Lizardmen Skink Priest
Skink Priest I’ve made form parts that left over those Lizardmen sets. I really like this pose. I’m also happy with the base. It has that new Slaan symbol on it.
Lizardmen Ripperdactyl Riders
This is new Ripperdactyl unit for Liazrdmen army. I really love the idea and look of this unit. It give some variety to the army. It’s a close combat unit and you have to be smart using them sice they are frenzied, but you get this nice Frog token (I’ll post it tomorrow) and you […]
Lizardmen Ripperdactyl
Third of 3 new Ripperdactyls.
Lizardmen Ripperdactyl
Second of 3 new Ripperdactyls.
Lizardmen Ripperdactyl
First of 3 new Ripperdactyls.
Lizardmen Gor-Rok
I knew I will paint this model when I saw it for the first time. Awesome mini. Love that big shield and idea of albino lizardman. This will stand out really well in any Lizardmen army.
Lizardmen Saurus Oldblood
This is awesome model. I love this sculpt.
Lizardmen Ancient Scar Leader Kroq Gar
This is old Carnosaur model. I didn’t expect the new much much bigger Carnosaur model. I though more like GW will do a Carnosaur monstrous cavalry or something. So I bought some of this. I’ll keep some of them for my upcoming Lizardmen army, but already have some ideas on making other extra models from […]
Vampire Counts Tomb Banshee
Last Tomb Banshhe pic got too dark so this is new one.
Vampire Counts Isabella Von Carstein
I really like new Isabella sculpt. I prefer to keep her hair black than original white.
Vampire Counts Wight King
I really like this idea od single plastic miniatures GW came up with. This is one of my favourites.
High Elves Sea Helm Battle Standard Bearer
This is my second attempt to paint this miniature. I wanted to paint it differently than the previous one. The original standard is white, but as you can see there’s a lighthouse so why not put night sky over there? I know dark colors don’t work well on high elves, but I think this one […]