Death Guard Objective Makers
Tag Archives: Sculpting
Nurgle Hellcannon with Crew
And the whole cannon with crew and stuff. Check it out! I did a misfire marker for this Hellcannon. You can see it in the 4th picture where there’s no spit. Shit happens! Now poor Chaos Dwarf has to deal with it. And again the reason this model get to Mattardation is just because this […]
Nurgle Hellcannon
And here’s finished Chaos Hellcannon. I’ve added that chain. I think it came out really nice. Just look at this sweet little daemon chained to the cart. Isn’t it cute?
Nurgle Hellcannon Crew WIP
Pszemek has sculpted Chaos Dwarf crew for that Hellcannon of Nurgle we are making.
Nurgle Hellcannon WIP
The story continues. This is more of what that Nurgle Hellcannon would look like in the end. I’ve made the wheeled cart that would bring the daemon to the battle. I gave it a little bit Nurgle look by making Nurgle symbol in big wheels. Of course the daemon would be chained to the cart. […]
Nurgle Hellcannon WIP
Before you start hating, please remember this is no joke. We are starting to build the hellcannon of Nurgle. Well, hellcannon cannot have marks, but when you have whole army of Nurgle you want your unmarked models to fit that theme too. So lets say that the daemon possessing this cannon would be fat and […]
Nurgle Half Ogre
This mini is sick! The idea of this mini is to create low ogre model so Forge World Nurgle Ogres can rank up. This was fun project. Pszemek has sculpted most of this mini. The head and arms are taken from some Ogre bits and the hands are from Vampire Counts Crypt Horrors. I love […]
Incarnate Elemental of Fire Scene
Here’s bigger photo of model mounted on base. Click to enlarge. Just to remind you. I’ll be posting photos of new photos everyday at 12:06 and 18:00 CET/CEST.
Incarnate Elemental Of Fire on Display Base
Some photos of complete scene. FW did great job on this mini. Really nice sculpt. I’ll put bigger photo later today. Some info on new posts frequency. I’ve decided new fixed time for publishing posts. I’ll be posting on 12:06 and 18:00 CET/CEST everyday. Hope you will like this new format.
Display Base for Incarnate Elemental Of Fire
So here’s a display base I did for that Forge World Incarnate Elemental of Fire. I couldn’t think of any theme for scene for that mini for a while. But I knew I would keep it atmospheric, with limited color palette. I’ve figured it out during Halloween season. I’ve painted some pumpkins and just realized […]
Sculpted Treekins
Joe asked me to some models sculpted by me. And I was searching my sculptures through blog and I’ve noticed that some of those old pics doesn’t work. I’ll be re-uploading them. The thing is that most of them were made in times when I had poor camera so don’t expect anything amazing. But it’s […]
Treekins Concept Art
This is refreshed concep on some minis I’ve sculpted some time ago. You can check sculpted minis here.
Evil Snowmen
I was looking for some minis to be sculpted for a long time. Then winter came. So decision was simple. Let’s make snowmen! But not just any snowmen, they must be evil ones. They would work perfectly as Ogre Kingdoms Yhetees. Those minis were both sculpted and painted by me. Hope you like them.
Skaven Hellpit Abomination
This model is sculpted by and painted by me (Rafal Maj). This one is a kind worm mutated with albino rat. I love the idea with spider eyes and violet tentacles. I’m really happy how this model came up. Tell me what you think about it.
Skaven Hellpit Abomination
This model is sculpted by Pszemek and painted by me (Rafal Maj). With lots of Wyrdsone and spikes it really looks cool. Ant check out that victim that is swollen. The mini is made of modeling clay and plastic. And look at this worm’s ass, it’s shitting skulls and bones :D.
Last Ritesmen
I’ve just sculpted 8 Last Ritesmen for Warzone. I’m so proud. This are my first minis in 28mm that are not big models (like Giants or Treemen fully scupted by me.) Also I want to add that I’m going to sculpt more minis. Mostly post apocaliptic models you could easyli use as Warzone/Warhammer 40k Proxies. […]
Wood Elf Treeman
At last! This is Treeman sculpted by me. It’s huge! It’s 19cm (7,5″) high! Hell yeah! You can see in the photo how big it is compared to Warhammer Plastic Giant and also to a common Night Goblin :).