Crater Lake

Crater Lake

So I basically took one crater and put some rusted barrels and jerry can. Then I pour some still water mixed with a few drops of Camo Green and Catachan Green. In pictures it looks more like it has wavy water due to strong light. But in fact the surface of the water is very […]

River Trolls

River Trolls

Some River Trolls I’ve finished recently. I’ve started them long ago, but making that water effect took me so long. The thing is that I couldn’t pour much in those bases, and every layer of that water effect shrunken so I had to repeat one after another. I have no idea how many layers are […]

Nazgob Orc Great Shaman

Nazgob Orc Great Shaman

One of the best sculpts GW ever made. I just love everything about this mini. I have another one so I’ll try to make Shaman with Fencer’s Blades Conversion. Or rather Fencer’s Choppas.

Screamers of Tzeentch

Screamers of Tzeentch

Unit of 9 Screamers of Tzeentch. I really like painting those minis. With this plastic set each screamer is different. I like that. Click photo to enlarge.

Dwarf Gyrocopter

Another Dwarf Gyrocopter

Just another Dwarf Gyrocopter. I think the model looks better with just one propeller. GW makes it double but I think it sucks. Anyway this one is also fully magnetized. I like this model more with those colors than previous ones. What’s your opinion?

Dwarf Army

Dwarf Army

And whole army together. I really love how it turned out. Those strong colors works perfect for this army. This makes me wanna start my own Dwarf Army. Click photo to enlarge.

Dwarf Gyrocopter

Dwarf Gyrocopter

And there’s a painted Gyrocopter for this army. New model isn’t so bad after all. I’ve was surprised how small it is. I was expecting something bigger. But I’m happy it is compact. We did some magnetizing work on this one. You have switchable gun and you can take off propeller. This would helpful during […]

Dwarf Ironwarden with Trollhammer Torpedo

Dwarf Ironwarden with Trollhammer Torpedo

OK so here’s that closeup on this model. I get this idea while actually painting the model. But conversion was so easy that I’ve decided to make it despite the model was painted. I really like how it came out. The hot fist of Dwarf love waits for your Troll!

Dwarf Irondrakes

Dwarf Irondrakes

I was unsure about this unit. But Irondrakes don’t looks so fanny after painting. In fact they look awesome. So too keep them funny I’ve added a converted Trollhammer Torpedo, hehe. I hop you like the idea. I’ll post closeups on that tomorrow. Great unit.

Dwarf Longbeards

Dwarf Longbeards

I just love the shields. Awesome designs. I’ve painted Karaz-a-Karak symbol on the banner. I like this symbol very much. Oh, and the beards are also cool. Dwarf Longbeards with shields are my favorite Dwarf unit.

Dwarf Runelord

Dwarf Runelord

The best model of all new Dwarfs. I love the flaming rune. Actually the whole mini looks awesome. GW mad his helmet looks like anvil, that a bit silly but I get the idea. His a rune smith. Other than that the mini is perfect. I love it!

Dwarf Grimm Burloksson

Dwarf Grimm Burloksson

What I would like to say about this mini is that with his back standard he really stands out. I like that there is furnace and I could paint some red in it. You will see why soon. Anyway this mini wasn’t so bad as I thought. Sure the arm with handgun looks more like […]

Dwarf Belegar Ironhammer

Dwarf Belegar Ironhammer

Today I’ll post 3 new Dwarf characters. This one is great to use as Thane BSB. I saw this minis without his back standard and it looks so much better. But I wanted to keep original parts on this one.

Khorne Exalted Hero

Khorne Exalted Hero

I really like this model. He’s on a plastic Chaos Lord’s base. I did photos on dark background as usual, but bellow you will find photos on white background. I prefer dark background, but some people says white one is better. Let me know which one you like more. From tomorrow I’ll start posting new […]