Hellstriders of Slaanesh

Hellstriders of Slaanesh

I’ve always thought that painting steeds of Slaanesh is pain. I’ve never tried to paint one untill now. I really like how they came out. I even like it more that ‘Evy Metal team ones. Hellstriders are really nice models, and you can be sure I’ll paint more steeds of Slaanesh in the future. I’ll […]

Chaos Warshrine

Chaos Warshrine

I’ve finished painting the new model of Chaos Warshrine. It’s big, but rather disappointing. I think GW could have made something better. I’m thinking of getting one more model but mostly for conversion parts. I really like the Sorcerer and mutated Ogres. I’ll finish painting other new Chaos models soon, so stay tuned.



I’ve painted this Ahriman, but then wanted to change his skirt color. You can see the new one in the bottom.