Spirit Hosts

Halloween is coming so I did some new Halloween minis. I really like those new Spirit Hosts. So much better than old ones. I even think this is the best ghost design ever made! I also like that they put those ghosts into other undead models like Nagash or Mortarchs of Nagash. Anyway, here are some Spirits with pumpkins.

Zaduszki się zbliżają, więc postanowiłem zrobić parę modeli specjalnie na tą okazję. Bardzo mi się podobają nowe Duchy. O wiele lepsze od poprzednich wzorów. Według mojej oceny to jest najlepszy wzór duchów jakikolwiek powstał. Bardzo podoba mi się też pomysł, że te duchy pojawiają sie na innych figurkach undeadów jak Nagash czy jego Mortarchowie. W każdym razie tu macie duchy z dyniami.

Halloween Spirit Hosts painted by Rafal Maj (BloodyBeast.com)

Posted in Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Vampire Counts and tagged , , , , , , .


  1. Your end Times’ models are amazing, even more so when you say no aibrushing was used. I just painted up one of there spirits in the “Classic” style from GW but would like to try an copy your style since it is more intuitive and scary looking that the spirits are dark beings with light coming from the “soul” within.

    I only have two Quick questions:

    Do you paint the it from black up to bright or the other way around?

    I would love a tutorial, but could you maybe share a list of colours u used?(did you glaze it with black/dark blue?)

    Thank you

  2. OMG… this technique is amazing.. Id love a step by step on this model. Hell even to know where you got or how you made the tombstones/rocks and the bases haha.

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