Flesh Tearers Army
Tag Archives: Army
Kruleboyz Army
So here’s painted set of Kruleboyz from Age of Sigmar Dominion set. I had lots of fun working on this set, although I took me a while to finish it. My favorite models are Shaman with huge skull on his back and all the Gutrippaz (I love the shields so much). Hope to paint more […]
Gloomspite Gitz Moonclan Skrap
Moonclan Skrap
Gloomspite Gitz Squigalanche
Gloomspite Gitz Troggherd
Dark Imperium Death Guard Army
Dark Imperium Death Guard Army
Wood Elves Army
And this is whole recent Wood Elf Army for Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Click photos to enlarge.
Khorne Army
And here’s a picture of all Khorne End Times models I’ve painted. All bases have symbol of khorne on them. They are also painted in the same style, so it really makes them feel like an army. If I had enough time and money, I’ll buy some of these for my Khorne Bloodbound army. Click […]
Space Marines Ultramarines Army
So this is the whole army. Hope you like it. Click photos to enlarge.
Khador Battlebox Army
Finished Khador army from Warmachine two player battle box. Menoth part is still in progress. Click photo to enlarge.
Cygnar Army
And here’s whole Cygnar army together. Click photo to enlarge.
Space Wolves Army
This is the only shot of this Space Wolves army I have. Not every model is on the picture. The thing is that I’ve made this army in 2 parts. So models not included in photo were in different part. So apart from models you have seen recently this army also included 6 Thunderwolves, Thunderwolf […]
Wood Elves Army
This is expansion to the Wood Elves Warband I’ve painted some time ago. I really like how that Lord, Eternal Guards and Cavalry looks together having strong gold and green colors while Wildwood Rangers, Wolves and Treeman have more dull colors like browns and grays. Once again I must admit those new Wood Elf models […]
Space Marines Astral Tigers Army
Of course there would be more of those at some point. But that’s all I did so far. Click photo to enlarge.
Infinity Ariadna Army
Whole Infinity Ariadna Army painted. They turned out really well. It makes me happy when I just look at those. Miniatures are great. And water bases came out very nice too. I was planning to put leaves on those, but when I tried on one base leaves just covered the water effect. So I’ve decided […]
Dwarf Army
And whole army together. I really love how it turned out. Those strong colors works perfect for this army. This makes me wanna start my own Dwarf Army. Click photo to enlarge.
Chaos Daemons of Nurgle Army for both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k
Whole army shot. Click photo to enlarge.
Tomb Kings Warband
The photo of whole warband. Now you can see how strong is Queen Khalida in this army. I like it. Click photo to enlarge.
High Elves Warband
And the last picture for the end of the day. The whole band of hot chicks and their pimp the Lormaster. Click photo to enlarge.
Wood Elves Warband
And the whole band together. They lack those 3 Waywatchers because they were made a little bit earlier and has been already dispatched then I finished those Wood Elves and Dryads. Tomorrow I’ll post more minis. Oh and please click photo to enlarge.
Darkreach Warband
And here’s whole warband together. If you would like to see some coseups please check ealier posts. This band is enought to play small battles in Warlord. I’m planning to build this army up with some new models like both Warlords, Sorcerer, Shadowguard and Drake Riders some day.
The Empire Army of Talabheim
I’ve took this picture long time ago when I was selling this army. But I’ve never put this on my blog so let’s have some blast from the past time and take a look on those mini on grass battlefield. Photo is clickable. Also for more closer pictures of units check Painted Armies on sidebar.
Savage Orc Army
Second part of Savage Orc Army. First part was horde of Savage Orcs, horde of Black Orcs, some Savage Boar Boyz, 2 Arachnarok Spiders, and some warmachines. Click photo to enlarge.
Eldar Ulthwe Army
And the whole warband here. Minis are mounted on that elf bases I’ve showed you ealier. Soon in store. Also this warband will be extended. Click photo to enlarge.