And whole army together. I really love this army and I’m sure I’m going to paint more of those Blood Angels in the future. I’ve been painting them for years but the outcome gives me a lot of satisfaction. All units are based on magnetic movement trays that will be available in the store soon. […]
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Blood Angels Commander
And to finish this army I’ve made this commander. Well your army need at least one HQ choice so I picked that Captain from Assault on Black Reach. I’ve gave him Power Fist. He’s ready to fight.
Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard
When I saw this unit for the first time I just thought this is the best unit in whole 40k universe. Angels with actual wings attached to their jumppacks and yet with two handed swords. This is one of my favourites units do far. They look absolutely awsome. I love the details on their armor. […]
Blood Angels Death Company
Then the new Blood Angels Codes along with new minis came out. I grab some new minis to complete the starter army. I really love the details on those guys. They look just awesome and are Blood Angels must have. Not because of rules but because of theme and how they look.
Blood Angels Tactical Squad
I’ve painted some Blood Angels recently, so I was sure those colors would look great. Then I’ve decided to paint whole army in Blood Angels scheme.
Blood Angels Terminator Squad
Those are just Terminators from previous edition starter set but mounted on Scibor beses makes them look awesome.
Blood Angels Dreadnought
OK, So recently I’ve finished this Blood Angels army. I’ve started this project long time ago. It took me a while ,but was worth the effect.
Elf Base
So I’m going to start making my own stuff. This would be tokens, bases and some terrain and magnetic movement trays. This would be my first base line. Check out High Elves Lion Prince with Great Axe. He was mounted on that base. Let me know what do you think about it.
Lothern Sea Helm
One more Sea Helm. This one was made from Sea Guards Champion. I’ve added a bigger sword and some ribbons from Shycutter so now he really stands out.
High Elves Lion Prince with Great Axe
Another Elf converted from Sword Masters Standard Bearer to Lion Prince. His axe and lion shoulder is from White Lions box. The fur cape was taken from Space Wolves pack. His hair and some of fur was sculpted from green stuff. I really like this one. It is mounted on a base I’m going to […]
High Elves Prince with Great Axe
Some time ago I’ve bought several Island of Blood sets. I’ve made units from troopers and I got some command groups left. Here’s an idea how you can simply convert them so you still can use them in your games. Today’s mini is Sword Masters Champion with converted weapon. An angry Elf with bloody axe […]
Loremaster of Hoeth with Shield
So I’ve heard this cunning tactic. Take a Loremaster and give him a magical sword. Now since he has to use a magic weapon you can give him that magic high elf shield. It gives him 4+ Parry Save and +1 to his Armor Save value. And he gets re-rolls co he now Always Strikes […]
Lothern Sea Helm Battle Standard Bearer
Another mini from Skycutter box set. This time I’ve folowed instruction to glue him as a Battle Standard Bearer. Really like this mini. Lots of details. I really like new High Elves. Great models.
Lothern Sea Helm
One of the Elves made from bits left from Skycutter. I’ve changed palette of colors for this one, so he stands out better on battlefield. Really like how this came out. Those will be the colors for Green Knight I’m planing to paint.
Lothern Skycutter
Finally I’ve finished this flying boat. I really like this model. I wasn’t big keen of it at first. I thought it was a joke. But it just looks great when finished. I love the base, Great Eagle with those green ribbons is cool, and that boat looks really nice too. And there are some […]
Loremaster of Hoeth
This is standard High Elf painting, but guess what. I’m going to paint another one with red glowing fireball in hand like I did with Sisters of Avelorn.
Grimgor Ironhide
Black Orc Warboss. Fun to paint. I love that squig face on his belly. Soon some more Orcs for fantasy. Szef Czarnych Orków. Fajnie się go malowało. Zajebista jest ta mordka squiga na jego brzuchu. Wkrótce wiecej Orków do fantasy.
Huge Mangler Squig
This angry Tomato is a little old idea. Once upon a time, when the Orcs & Goblins Arachnarok model has been released I fugued out that you can make a big squig out of his abdomen. Those were time with no finecast and no original Mangler Squigs. So I bought another Arachnarok Spider and I […]
Sisters of Avelorn with Handmaiden of the Everqueen
And one more photo. Sisters and Handmaiden together. I really love how those minis turned out. Hope you like them too. Models are going on eBay today.
Sisters of Avelorn
I’ve just finieshed painting Sisters of Avelorn. The idea was to paint the whole unit using this hot metal effect, in this case it was just flaming bows. How it’s going to turn out? Will the whole unit break the flaming effect? I’ll let you answer the question (please use the comment form). I really […]
Handmaiden of the Everqueen
This chick is a Handmaiden of the Everqueen. I’ve convertet this model using Sea Guard legs, female Wood Elf torso and parts from Sisters of Avelorn box. I really like that babe and it fits sisters very well.
Nurgle Daemons of Chaos Army
Nurgle Daemons of Chaos for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Plaguebeares did get a socketed movement tray for whole unit. Inside this unit there are some of those loose Nurglings that try to be like real Plaguebearers :). Nurglings and Beast have 40mm square bases and Great Unclean One has 50mm square base. Drones of Nurgle have […]
Nurgle Chaos Daemons Army
This is Chaos Daemons of Nurgle Army. As you can see GUO and Drones have extended basses to the appropriate size. Check Fantasy version of this army here.
Great Unclean One
This is the last model for this Daemonic Nurgle warband. I’ll upload whole army pictures soon. The Great Fat One i mounted on 40mm base but it has bases options to field it on square base for fantasy and on appropriate round base for 40k. Actually the whole army was designed this way. You will […]