Finally I’ve played my first Dreadfleet battle. The game is awesome! It look really incredible fully pro painted on a beautiful seascape mat. Check out my two battle reports!
First Battle: Scenario 1
The Grand Aliance (played by Pszemek)
The Dreatfleet (played by Rafal)
Bloody Reaver
The Battle
This was First scenario played with Pszemek. Pszemek has chosen The Grand Alliance and I was commanding The Dreadfleet. First battle was long. We were swimming around the islands trying to catch each other, but this was impossible to catch the other ship. Some Fate card made my ship turn into rocks but than I’ve repaired my ship. Than I’ve stopped and I’ve ordered a command Shoot as she Bears! with success. The Heldenhammer find my ship as an easy target to crush in and drop the ship’s figure. I’ve shot scoring two hits and non of those were saved! Than the Heldenhammer’f figure has been dropped but Pszemek rolled 1 and no damage was inflicted. We fought a boarding action and I’ve wounded a captain of Heldenhammer and also I’ve scored 1 damage on the enemy ship. On the next round I’ve won the initiative but I’ve decided to start as second. Heldenhammer has dropped it’s figure once again and again Pszemek has rolled 1 so no damage was inflicted! Call it a bad luck but I believe that gods were on my side. Pszemek’s captain was healed by some sea siren. We fought some battle but Heldenhammer hasn’t inflict any damage on Bloody Reaver! Instead Bloody Reaver destroyed Heldenhammer by inflicting enough Hull damage to sunk it! Victory was mine!
Second Battle: Scenario 2
The Grand Aliance (played by Pszemek)
The Dreatfleet (played by Rafal)
Bloody Reaver
Curse of Zandri
The Battle
There were some special rules in this scenario. I’d like only to mention that this was incredibly fast game. We followed strictly scenarios terrain and rules. So there was a citadel in the center of seascape. Pszemek had to breach the walls of citadel in order to get control of Swordfysh that was in base to base contact with citadel (until that moment I couldn’t fight that ship). The goal was to run away with Swordfysh out of seascape. My ships came in to play at the end of 2nd and 3rd turn! I thought I had no chance to win, but…
The Heldenhammer has breach the walls of citadels in first turn by shooting broadside at citadel. In the second turn I’ve won the initiative. The cannons at citadel shoot at heldenhammer scoring some damage. I’ve also scored some damage at Swordfysh in boarding action. After that Swordfysh had escaped jeopardy. Then the Bloody Reaver came in to play. I’ve won next initiative to and I’ve sail as close as possible to get best shooting at swordfysh and I did scored some damage again! Swordfysh was trying to escape. The citadel has scored fire on deck on heldenhammer! Curse of Zandri has arrived in this turn. In the next turn I’ve catch Swordfysh with Bloody Reaver. Obviously the damaged ship had no chances with the best fighting crew of captain Count Noctilus. The swordfysh has sunk in the ships graveyard! Victory was mine again!
My Thoughts
I have to say that like this game very much! There’s a bit of luck and a bit of thinking to make your fleet work well. Await more reports with colorful pictures as I will take camera next time. Yarrr!