Slambo. Very cool model. Love it!
Tag Archives: Undivided
Black Legion Army
Whole army so far. Please click image to enlarge.
Chaos Space Marines Lord
Last mini for this army. I might paint more minis in this color scheme but not in nearest future. I’ll post army picture later today. Like us on facebook.
Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champion
This is second aspiring champion model I’ve painted. This one is done with standard painting but it definitely deserves more. But I just needed it to match those Chosens.
Chaos Space Marines Chosens
Another unit for Black Legion Army. Chosens are my favorite models from current edition of Warhammer 40k. Just awesome sculpts. Actually the whole starter set is just awesome. It’s hard to finish them quick as they have lots of details all over. I’ll post their champion today. Tomorrow I’ll upload Chaos Lord and photo of […]
Chaos Space Marines Raptors
New Raptor models look really great. The only thing that could be do better is backpacks. I like those, but I’m used to the ones used in Space Marine game, more like old ones. Anyway, I’ve painted Power Armors with gold trims. That makes this units really stand out on battlefield from those cultist scum. […]
Chaos Cultists with Autopistols
Second squad of Cultists was painted using same idea. Only Champion and Flamer have golden areas. Autopistol Cultists have blood on their weapons so that makes them a little bit different from other unit.
Chaos Cultists with Autoguns
Chaos Cultist squad was painted at the end of this army. We realised that it would be nice idea to paint all cultists without gold areas. The only golden parts have champion and heavy. This gives nice effect on the battle field. You can easily see which units are trully born chaos marines and wchich […]
Chaos Space Marine Forgefiend
First unit for Black Legion Chaos Space Marine Army. Expect more soon.
Chaos Lord
This is my favorite model from new Warriors of Chaos line. I like everything in it. The posture, weapon, armor, horned head and possibilities that mini gives in conversions. I can simply imagine this mini as 40k Chaos Lord, Fantasy Nurgle or Khorne Lord or even Tzeentch Sorcerer and Standard Bearer. So much possibilities I […]
Chaos Slaughterbrute
I wasn’t big fan of this model till I got it. It’s realy massive, huge, spicked son of a… I really like the idea of Chaos Star engraved with swords on its back.
Chaos Chimera
I bought this model yet in Storm od Magic times. With new Warriors of Chaos Armybook I’ve decided to paint it. Here’s result.
Chaos Forsaken
When new Forsaken models were released I get that idea to finish that unit we started some time ago. They were supposed to be chaos warriors with extra hand weapon back then, but with new rules they fit forsaken more. Mutants are easiest to make from almost any bits. Here are our Forsaken unit. Minis […]
Harry the Hammer
I’ve Harry the Hammer. I stick to the painting scheme of Kristen Williams. The bone armor will stick out of black armor of the rest of chaos army. The sculpt is nice. I really like the base. I’ve made it socketed and magnetized, so you can mount Harry on standard 25mm square base, so he […]
Chaos Battle Standard Bearer
I bet you recognize that model. 40k Chaos Lord from Dark Vengeance box is really great mini. With his possessed sword and chosen’s head he look really bad ass. The banner was painted to match faces on warshrine I did previously.
Warshrine of Chaos Undivided
Another Chaos Warshrine. This time with litle conversion work. I’ve painted it in metallics and a bit different ogre color.
Wulfrik the Wanderer
This is my third atempt at painting Wulfrik. You can find previous ones in chaos warriors section. I like this one the best.
Chaos Warshrine
I’ve finished painting the new model of Chaos Warshrine. It’s big, but rather disappointing. I think GW could have made something better. I’m thinking of getting one more model but mostly for conversion parts. I really like the Sorcerer and mutated Ogres. I’ll finish painting other new Chaos models soon, so stay tuned.
Alpha Legion Champion
I just wanted to make a mini in Alpha Legion colors. I like how it came out.
Chaos Space Marines Hellbrute
Hellbrute from Dark Vengeance starter set.