Ready unit of 40 Black Orcs mounted on magnetic movement tray.
Tag Archives: Horde
Night Goblin Heroes
Standard, Shaman and Big Boss.
Night Goblin Horde
Another Night Goblin Horde. Also with many fillers.
Night Goblins Horde
Units with many mushroom fillers.
Savage Orc Boyz Horde
Unit with filler.
Savage Orc Boyz Horde
This is Savage Orc Boyz Horde painted for Lustria Online Painting Challenge. This is not yet over. Boyz will have more warpaint. I had no time to finish them up before contest close date, but soon I’ll do it and than I’ll take some close up photos.
Skaven Clanrat Hordes
Those two hordes (each of 60 clanrats) were made using 3 Warhammer The Island of Blood sets. Clikc image for larger view.