Sisters of Sigmar Warband

Sisters of Sigmar Warband

This is Pszemek’s army and it is our first full painted warband for Mordheim. Sisters of Sigmar are one of the most interesting armies in Mordheim. We collected 10 unique models so far. They are not best painted, I know, but we painted it in hurry so Pszemek can start playing as soon as possible. […]

Harry the Hammer

Harry the Hammer

I’ve Harry the Hammer. I stick to the painting scheme of Kristen Williams. The bone armor will stick out of black armor of the rest of chaos army. The sculpt is nice. I really like the base. I’ve made it socketed and magnetized, so you can mount Harry on standard 25mm square base, so he […]

Chaos Battle Standard Bearer

Chaos Battle Standard Bearer

I bet you recognize that model. 40k Chaos Lord from Dark Vengeance box is really great mini. With his possessed sword and chosen’s head he look really bad ass. The banner was painted to match faces on warshrine I did previously.

High Elf Phoenix Guard

High Elf Phoenix Guard

Sorry for no uploads. I had realy sad time, but hey! Now I’m back. With new years comes new year resolutions and I have some too. But those would be said in later posts (tomorrow). Let’s look on what I’ve painted yet in 2012.

Chaos Warhounds of Nurgle

Chaos Warhounds of Nurgle

I think dire wolves are much better for warhounds of chaos models than original ones. You can smell that rotting flesh. Painted to match my latest Warriors of Chaos Nurgle projects. Hope you like it.

Palanquin of Nurgle

Palanquin of Nurgle

I’ve has been asked to make a Palanquin of Nurgle for a new Nurge Lord mini, but that mini was on 40mm square base. Palanquin is mountedon 50mm base. That lives very little space for nurglings, but check out how I’ve solved the problem.