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Tag Archives: Conversion
Chronopia Devout Followers Champion
In Chronopia you can use either a Hero to lead your army or designate one of your units leader to be the general. And because I have no heroes for the Devout yet, I decided to convert one of the leaders to be the army general. So this model was actually taken from Cursed unit […]
More Kruleboyz Gutrippaz
This is another unit of Gutrippaz. I made an extra banner and musician to go with the first unit from Dominion boxed set. The Gutrippaz box set comes with two musicians but only one banner. I made a second one with baner from old Ardboyz set (also known as Black Orcs) and I’ve painted a […]
Ultramarines Primaris Intercessor Sergeants
Ultramarines Primaris Intercessor Sergeants. I’m really happy with Power Fist conversion and effect.
Space Wolves Wolfen
I had once this idea to make a Lone Wolf with 2 Wolf Claws as a Wolfen. Here’s the result of conversion. The main body was taken from Dark Eldar Clawed Fiend. The Head and shoulderpad is from Thunderwolf Cavalry. Tail was sculpted with GS.
Scratch Built Space Wolves Dreadnought
This was fun project. I made a Space Wolves Dreadnought with some leftover bits.
Flesh Tearers Army
Flesh Tearers Army
Flesh Tearers Librarian
Flesh Tearers Librarian converted to have a custom flesh tearers symbol on shoulder pad and a chainsword to follow the chain theme.
Flesh Tearers Nassir Amid
Flesh Tearers Nassir Amid model inspired by cover art of Flesh Tearers novel. REAP AND TEAR!
Flesh Tearers Terminator Squad
Flesh Tearers Terminator Squad. Each model has custom made shoulder pad symbol.
Flesh Tearers Assault Squad
Flesh Tearers Assault Squad with standard backpacks rather than jump packs. Each model has custom made shoulder pad symbol.
Flesh Tearers Dreadnought
I wanted this Dreadnought to have chain weapon to follow Flesh Tearers chain theme you will see in other Flesh Tearers posts.
Pumpkinhead Primaris Shield Captain on dark background
And some more pictures of Pumpkinhead Primaris Shield Captain this time on a dark background. I believe the flame and/or glow effects look much better on dark background.
Pumpkinhead Primaris Shield Captain
Every year I make some special model with a pumpkin theme. This 2020 I present you a Pumpkinhead Primaris Shield Captain from Indomitus Crusade Box. Man I really love the model and the shield design. Hope you like the conversion!
Space Wolves Wolf Lords
All three Wolf Lords together. When I came up with these ideas at first time it was just a joke attaching these oversized weapons with some blue tack. These conversions seemed a bit too wild to exist in Grimdark 40k. But then I thought that actually it might just work! I’m so happy I decided […]
Space Wolves Wolf Lord with Frost Sword and Storm Bolter
The last one of three Wolf Lords. This one is probably my favorite. Just love the look of that huge badass Frost Sword. He also have Storm Bolter attached to his other fist.
Space Wolves Wolf Lord with Wolf Claws
Second Wolf Lord conversion. This one is meant to have Wolf Claws.
Space Wolves Wolf Lord with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield
This is the first of 3 upcoming Space Wolves Wolf Lords I made just for fun. Although I put them in Centurion Armour with oversized weapons you could easily use it on battlefields as Wolf Lords in Terminator Armour with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield.
Pumpkinshroud Bodyguards
BloodyBeast is making special Pumpkin themed minis every year. This year’s Halloween unit is Pumpkinshroud Bodyguards. A simple conversion of Death Guard Deathshroud Bodyguards Terminator models. But this time I wanted something different. The Pumpkins are actually painted green! It’s a nice change from usual orange pumpkins and flame. See other Halloween minis here.
Horus Heresy Death Guard Librarian
To finish of the Kill Team commission I’ve painted this Death Guard Librarian. I love the way orange came out on this one making very strong focal point.