This is Thanquol & Boneripper. I’ve made a magnetized weapon options so you can switch between Warpfire Braziers or Warpfire Projectors. I’ve also made a custom base. This is supposed to be The Empire city street fragment with sewer mat as a wound marker. You can see a closeup of that wound marker on the […]
Tag Archives: Base
Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead
Finally! I’ve managed to finish this model. At first I was like ‘Yeah! Another meh big guy from GW. Lets just paint it quick!’. But when I started I was like ‘This model is pretty awesome! It needs some loving!’. I really wanted to make it outstanding. So it took me more time than I’ve […]
Gorax is a light warbeast for Circle Orboros faction in Hordes. The pose is just freaking awesome. You can feel his rage and fury. One of the best sculpts. Ever. On this model I was trying a general color scheme for Circle army. I’ll be working on some Warpwolves soon.
Kommander Sorscha
I enjoyed painting this mini. I really like how the face came out. This was a nice warm up before painting Kaya’s the Wildborn face. Icycles are made of clear plastic from some GW sprues. I’ve just cut them into icycle shape and glued to the base. Done. I’m happy with the result.