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Monthly Archives: March 2013
Deathwing Army
I’m going into 40k and I need a 40k army. I’ve figured out that Deathwing Army would be really cool. The first thing I like about it is that there is really not much models. All are elite therefore It should be cheap army. Also small army size mean I can paint it quick.
Nurgle Sorcerer Lord
Anoter attempt to this model. This time converted into Nurgle lord with scythe. The head is from Forsaken Box. Nurglings comes from some Daemons boxes. Backpack is an Ogre stuff. Scythe comes from Tyranid Lord’s bonesword. Powers fist is from Space Wolves. Because of his final look, Nurglings, backpack with bones, book under his cape […]
Flamers of Tzeentch
I have limited time for painting recently. I hope to paint some more minis soon. But now, I present you 4 Flamers of Tzeentch.
Skaven Hell Pit Abomination
This Hell Pit Abomination was made before new model was released. It was based on skaven armybook graphic. It was my first attempt to make it, we have made more hell pit abominations in those times. The albino hell pit abomination and the worm like one if you remember. If you don’t, please check skaven […]
Battlefleet Gothic Imperial Fleet
Whole Imperial Fleet. After painting whole army I got this idea to make onother army for Battlefleet Gothic. I’ve bought a mat for BFG. I still need some terrain like planetoids or planets. I’ll put some bettle repoers after I make another army and learn the rules. Click image to enlarge.
Battlefleet Gothic Magnetized Weapon Loadouts
Those are magnetized weapon loadouts for Battlefllet Gothic Imperial Fleet Cruisers and Battleship.
Imperial Emperor Class Battleship
This one is even bigger than previous ships. Again same problems. Hard to paint because it’s metal and it’s heavy. Unwieldy and the paints easily wipe of the edges. But this is my favorite model of all Battlefleet Gothic ships I’ve painted so far. It has magnetized weapon loadouts.
Imperial Vengeance Class Grand Cruiser
This model is huge, heavy and it’s really unbalanced when glued to the flying base. This one was harder to paint than plastic cruisers. I like the overall, but ships with white fronts are my favourite.
Imperial Cruiser
Forth and last Imperial Cruiser for today. Tomorrow I’ll post Battleship and Grand Cruiser. I just want to note that all those crusiers and battle ship have magetised weapon options. Army look good together. Tomorrow ‘ll post whole fleet on one picture. Stay tuned.
Imperial Cruiser
Third Cruiser.
Imperial Cruiser
Second Crusier.
Imperial Cruiser
First of those big ships for Imperial Fleet.
Imperial Dauntless Class Light Cruiser (Lance)
Let’s get back to Battlefellet Gothic. In next few days I’ll post rest of Imperial Fleet. Today two light crusiers.
Black Legion Army
Whole army so far. Please click image to enlarge.
Chaos Space Marines Lord
Last mini for this army. I might paint more minis in this color scheme but not in nearest future. I’ll post army picture later today. Like us on facebook.
Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champion
This is second aspiring champion model I’ve painted. This one is done with standard painting but it definitely deserves more. But I just needed it to match those Chosens.
Chaos Space Marines Chosens
Another unit for Black Legion Army. Chosens are my favorite models from current edition of Warhammer 40k. Just awesome sculpts. Actually the whole starter set is just awesome. It’s hard to finish them quick as they have lots of details all over. I’ll post their champion today. Tomorrow I’ll upload Chaos Lord and photo of […]
Dark Angels Army
Dark Angels Army
Dark Angels Tactical Squad
Dark Angels Tactical Squad
Dark Angels Supreme Grand Master Azrael
Dark Angels Supreme Grand Master Azrael
Dark Angels Company Master
Dark Angels Company Master
Dark Angels Company Master
Dark Angels Company Master
Dark Angels Watchers in the Dark
Dark Angels Watchers in the Dark