Dark Angels Supreme Grand Master Azrael
Category Archives: Army Projects
Our Army Projects
Dark Angels Company Master
Dark Angels Company Master
Dark Angels Company Master
Dark Angels Company Master
Dark Angels Watchers in the Dark
Dark Angels Watchers in the Dark
Dark Angels Grand Master of Librarians Ezekiel
Dark Angels Grand Master of Librarians Ezekiel
Dark Angels Librarian Turmiel
Dark Angels Librarian Turmiel
Dark Angels Interrogator Chaplain Seraphicus
Dark Angels Interrogator Chaplain Seraphicus
Chaos Space Marines Raptors
New Raptor models look really great. The only thing that could be do better is backpacks. I like those, but I’m used to the ones used in Space Marine game, more like old ones. Anyway, I’ve painted Power Armors with gold trims. That makes this units really stand out on battlefield from those cultist scum. […]
Chaos Cultists with Autopistols
Second squad of Cultists was painted using same idea. Only Champion and Flamer have golden areas. Autopistol Cultists have blood on their weapons so that makes them a little bit different from other unit.
Chaos Cultists with Autoguns
Chaos Cultist squad was painted at the end of this army. We realised that it would be nice idea to paint all cultists without gold areas. The only golden parts have champion and heavy. This gives nice effect on the battle field. You can easily see which units are trully born chaos marines and wchich […]
Chaos Space Marine Forgefiend
First unit for Black Legion Chaos Space Marine Army. Expect more soon.
Nurgle Gorebeast Chariot
Gorebeast Chariots are badass. Nurgle ones are even better. I just love the concept of the Gorebeast. The chariot itself is not my favourite model. It looks like pimp my ride. GW should add some neons, and extended bumpers to this set. Anyway, I’ve added some parts from coprse chart to make it more nurglish. […]
Nurgle Ogres
All three Forge World Nurgle Ogres together. Models are based on 50x50mm bases. Those minis are much bigger than normal GW ogres. I have to admit that those ogres came in very good shape. There wasn’t much work in cleaning them. I’m pretty happy with the painting result. Hope you like them too.
Nurgle Ogre
Third Nurgle Ogre
Nurgle Ogre
Second Nurgle Ogre
Nurgle Ogre
First Nurgle Ogre
Chaos Warhounds of Nurgle
I think dire wolves are much better for warhounds of chaos models than original ones. You can smell that rotting flesh. Painted to match my latest Warriors of Chaos Nurgle projects. Hope you like it.
Palanquin of Nurgle
I’ve has been asked to make a Palanquin of Nurgle for a new Nurge Lord mini, but that mini was on 40mm square base. Palanquin is mountedon 50mm base. That lives very little space for nurglings, but check out how I’ve solved the problem.
Another Goblin Rock Lobber
This one has that little funny snotling on the top. He’s awesome!
Goblin Rock Lobber
Goblin catapult.
Another Goblin Spear Chukka
Goblin war machines are not very durable or accurate. So you need alot of them to get some scores. It’s easy coz they are cheap enought to feld lots of them on battlefield. Soon some more Goblin war machines.
Goblin Spear Chukka
Goblin balista.
Pleagueberes with the same color scheme as Nurglings and Nurgle Beast.