Chronopia Elves of the Crystal Lotus House from Demo Set

If you are old enough you probably remember that odd game called Chronopia back in around the end of millenium. The new edition was kickstarted last year and slowly coming to live. Guys at Chronopia were so kind that they sent me a demo set. There was a small teaser of Elves of the Crystal Lotus House and Devout. Only 4 models per faction, but you get the idea of final product. Also this was rather bad resin, but the final product will be Siocast.

I finished painting the Elves. Models are very different from old edition. The follow the true scale rather than heroic one. The detail is really fine. I could even argue that it’s too fine and too thin for purpose of wargaming. But it doesn’t take long to paint them to a nice standard.

Chronopia Crystal Lotus Elves from Demo Set 1

Chronopia Crystal Lotus Elves from Demo Set 2

Chronopia Crystal Lotus Elves from Demo Set 3

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