The most iconic duo in Warhammer Fantasy Battles universe. Painted for a Friend.
Yearly Archives: 2023
Another Gloomspte Gitz Loonboss On Giant Cave Squig
Another Gloomspte Gitz Loonboss On Giant Cave Squig.
Gloomspte Gitz Loonboss On Giant Cave Squig
Gloomspte Gitz Loonboss On Giant Cave Squig.
More Gloomspite Gitz Boingrot Bounderz
Another unit of Gloomspite Gitz Boingrot Bounderz.
More Gloomspite Gitz Cave Squigs
More Gloomspite Gitz Cave Squigs
More Gloomspite Gitz Stikkas
And another unit of 20 Gloomspite Gitz Stikkas.
More Gloomspite Gitz Stabbas
I’ve painted another unit of 20 Gloomspite Gitz Stabbas.
Chronopia Devout Followers Champion
In Chronopia you can use either a Hero to lead your army or designate one of your units leader to be the general. And because I have no heroes for the Devout yet, I decided to convert one of the leaders to be the army general. So this model was actually taken from Cursed unit […]
Chronopia Crystal Lotus Elves Army
This is my Chronopia Crystal Lotus Elves Army so far. Big enought to play some hero and skirmish level battles. I’m planing on painting few more models for this one. Especially some sorcerers, another champion and musician for spearmen and some more archers. But I really like how they came out so far.
Chronopia Crystal Lotus Elves Crystal Knight
This is the main hero for the army, the Crystal Knight. Model is on 40mm base and is a bit more bulkier then standard Crystal Elf.
Chronopia Crystal Lotus Elves Lotus Guard
These minis are again very accurate to follow the 2D art of Lotus Guard by Adrian Smith. Lots of details on these ones. I guess you can spot right away that this is an Elite Unit.
Chronopia Crystal Lotus Elves Spearmen
This is my favorite unit in whole Crystal Lotus House range so far. I love the fact that they managed to encapture that Adrian Smith’s 2D art look. You can feel these models comes straight from Chronopia universe. And you can really see how small all the chainmail details are, yet they are sharp enough […]
Horus Heresy Imperial Fists MKIII Tactical Squad (New)
I just couldn’t resist to paint the new MKIII Tactical Squad in my IF color scheme. Totally love the new sculpts.
Horus Heresy Imperial Fists Army with Rogal Dorn
And the whole army in one pic. I really like the look of all these units together. Cannot wait to paint some more Heresy era Imperial Fists.
Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists Legion
I took me ages to finish the model, but man I had so much fun! His armour has tons of details so to make them all visible I decided to go with clean armour with no weathering.
Horus Heresy Imperial Fists Tartaros Terminator Squad
So this is the first time I came up with idea of marble shields. And man, I love it! I did painted few more units of different legions adding marble to them, I’ll upload them soon. Love how white marble works with yellow and black color scheme. Very happy with the result. Also I went […]
Horus Heresy Imperial Fists MKIII Tactical Squad
I’m really happy how the weathering came out on this unit.
Horus Heresy Imperial Fists Fafnir Rann
Fafnir Rann with some weathering. Yellow is hard to paint, but I just love how weathering works on this color.
Horus Heresy Imperial Fists Kratos Heavy Assault Tank
The new plastic Kratos Heavy Assault Tank is an amazing kit. I love the look of this tank and the variety of weapons you get. I might have gone even to crazy with magnetizing options as I did almost everything. All the main guns, sponsons and even pintle mounted combi-weapons are swichable. Turret Mounted melta-blast […]
Horus Heresy Imperial Fists Fellblade Super Heavy Battle Tank
Unfortunately I have only these 2 photos with Imperial Fists Fellblade I’ve painted. And one photo is from Work in Progress but at least at pretty late state. I really love the look of Fellblade. The double barell reminds me of Command & Conquer Mammoth Tank. Hope they will include Fellblades in Legions Imperialis because […]
More Kruleboyz Gutrippaz
This is another unit of Gutrippaz. I made an extra banner and musician to go with the first unit from Dominion boxed set. The Gutrippaz box set comes with two musicians but only one banner. I made a second one with baner from old Ardboyz set (also known as Black Orcs) and I’ve painted a […]
More Kruleboyz Man-skewer Boltboyz
I painted 2 more units of Man-skewer Boltboyz. The boxed version has banners for leaders, which is nice addition.
Gabriel Seth, Chapter Master of the Flesh Tearers
This is third Gabriel Seth model I’ve painted. I love the model and the lore behind him. My favorite 40k character ever!
Chronopia Starter Box
I’m very happy that Chronopia miniature game was brought back to live (with the power of Kickstarter). I used to play Chronopia a lot back in the days and I still have my old metal minis somewhere in the basement. I’m planning to build some terrain and run a small campaign with these new amazing […]