I’ve made this disc of Tzeentch using GW small flying base and some chaos star symbol. All details are free painted on this one. It took me a while but I really like how it looks. I need to practice more of those freehand painting.
Monthly Archives: June 2014
Nurgle Mutalith WIP
Here’s something we are currently working on. And a picture of concept.
Space Marines Ultramarines Hunter and Stalker Magnetized Parts
I don’t always like magnetizing models. Some dudes make magnetized Terminators arms or even guys in Power Armor. I think it not worth it. But making a vehicle with magnetizing options is totally understandable. This model is designed for this. Just look as simple it look. You either have one loadout or another, easy as […]
Space Marines Ultramarines Stalker
And here’s the second option. Of course it’s magnetized. I’ll take a closer look on that in another post.
Space Marines Ultramarines Hunter
Ok so here’s a tank I did some time ago. I’ll upload a video for it soon, but right now I’m stuck working on this new layout.
Blog Update
Hey, sorry for lack of updates. I was working on new design of my blog. There’s still plenty stuff to be done. Like I’d like to get back my collapsing categories and updating blogroll. Some posts and pages are not displayed properly yet. I’ll be fixing that as soon as possible. I’ll start posting new […]