New Wild Rider. I don’t like the fact that wild riders have those mounts. They would look better mounted on wolves. But I like Sisters of the Thorn on those new mounts. The poses of all those elves are rather strange. And stirrups are just too weird. But the whole model looks OK.
Nowi Wild Riderzy. Jeśli chodzi o ta jednostkę, to bardziej podobała by mi się, gdyby była na wilkach. Renifer za t bardzo pasuje do Sióstr Ciernia. Pozy wszystkich tych elfów są raczej dziwne. A strzmiona są jeszcze bardziej dziwne. Ale cały model wygląda OK.
For someone who didn’t like the figures, you did an amazing job of painting them! I have to disagree about the figure though, I think it’s really characterful for the Wood Elf army.