This is what I was talking about. More gaming on blog. So I’ve played a fast battle with my Night Goblin army against some Khorne Chaos army. My army is still in progress. I’m still painting 2 hordes of night goblins, lots of minis, but hope to finish it soon. Chaos Army Demon Prince of […]
Monthly Archives: July 2012
Borgo Steel Police
Steel Police is a mercenery band available for all 4 armies of Neuroshima Tactics. Heavy armored and yet heavier armed. Tis one is Steel Police Tooper figthing for Borgo army.
Borgo Steel Police
Another Borgo Steel Police Tooper.
Borgo Steel Police
Borgo Steel Police Tooper.
Hegemony Steel Police
Steel Police Trooper in Hegemony colors.
Outpost Steel Police
Steel Police Trooper in Outpost color scheme.