Finally I’ve finished this model. It has lots of spikes and horns and claws. Very nice model, with lots of details and quite fresh look. Check it out!
Yearly Archives: 2011
Tomb Kings Tomb Guard Regiment
Another unit of Guards. This time in standard color scheme from the box cover.
Necrons – Don’t let ‘em get back up!
Here are some Grey Knight Terminators painted by me in GW article how to fight against Necrons. Check out the whole article HERE.
Dreadfleet Auxiliaries of The Grand Aliance
Three Grand Alliance Gogs, Dragon, and Dwarf Dirigible. The zeppelin and dragon are a nice addition to their parent warships.
Dreadfleet Auxiliares of the Dreadfleet
Four Dreadfleet Cogs included in Game. Those little ships won’t damage any warship much, but they can move swiftly between islands to grab trasure tokens. In the game they can be loaded with explosives to set enemy warships into fire.
Dreadfleet Sea Monsters
Three sea monsters: Leech Wyrm, Sea Giant, Bone Hydra. Well the bet part of this game is that you can use those monsters in game to attack The Grand Alliance warships.
Dreadfleet Castle Island
This island is awesome piece of terrain. The castle can be used as a fighting auxiliary, obviously a stationary one, but with nice stats.
Dreadfleet Vulcano Island
Vulcano Island with ghost castle.
Dreadfleet Corpseface Cliff Island
Skull face with glowing eyes is awesome!
Dreadfleet Skull Island and Rocky Isles
I particularly like the skull island with glowing eyes. Looks awesome on seascape!
Dreadfleet Leviathan Island
This turtle-shaped island has an awesome small castle on it’s top.
Dreadfleet Shipwrecks
Painted shipwrecks.
Dreadfleet Tokens
Token set for Dreadfleet. The wind token has a little map of the world in the center.
Dreadfleet: Grand Aliance vs Dreadfleet
Finally I’ve played my first Dreadfleet battle. The game is awesome! It look really incredible fully pro painted on a beautiful seascape mat. Check out my two battle reports! First Battle: Scenario 1 The Grand Aliance (played by Pszemek) Heldenhammer The Dreatfleet (played by Rafal) Bloody Reaver The Battle This was First scenario played with […]
Dreadfleet Painted!
Finally I’ve painted Dreadfleet. Check it out!
Gorthor on Beastmen Tuskgor Chariot of Slaanesh
Part of a bigger Slaaneshi Beastmen Army. Commission work.
Beastmen Tuskgor Chariot of Slaanesh
Part of a bigger Slaaneshi Beastmen Army. Commission work.
It came from beneath the sands…
Another article about minis painted by Rafal Maj on GW website. I’m more than happy that Dan from GW has posted my Tomb Kings on GW blog. What’s more to say, check it out! Check out the whole article HERE.
Dreadfleet Incoming!
I’ve just bough the Dreadfleet! It’s awesome stuff. I’ll be happy to play all scenarios and post them on the blog of course with painted minis. While I’ll be painting those awesome ships, I’ll be also mastering the rules. Hope to get some photos soon. In fact I almost finished Chaos Dwarf Kraken ship and […]
Cable Guy
My first Neuroshima Tactics miniature. Minis is produced by Wydawnictwo Portal. The sculpt is very good. The game itself is very similar to Warzone and Infinity. Skirmish battles in ruined cities of post apocalyptic United States.
Mantic Dwarf Miners
Miners are converted from Mantic Dwarf IronClads and Shieldbreakers. Painted to match the rest of Mantic Dwarf Army. Those Dwarfs have pick-hammers and are able to be fielded as both: Miners with filler and Hammerers (Shieldbreakers) with filler swapped with 5 Shieldbreakers I’ve painted some time ago.